
Package Contents



Base class for Benchmark modules. The purpose of a Benchmark is to provide the data needed to run an experiment, such as queries, folds, and relevance judgments.

class capreolus.benchmark.Benchmark(config=None, provide=None, share_dependency_objects=False, build=True)[source]

Bases: capreolus.ModuleBase

Base class for Benchmark modules. The purpose of a Benchmark is to provide the data needed to run an experiment, such as queries, folds, and relevance judgments.

Modules should provide:
  • a topics dict mapping query ids (qids) to queries

  • a qrels dict mapping qids to docids and relevance labels

  • a folds dict mapping a fold name to training, dev (validation), and testing qids

  • if these can be loaded from files in standard formats, they can be specified by setting the topic_file, qrel_file, and fold_file, respectively, rather than by setting the above attributes directly

module_type = benchmark[source]
relevance_level = 1[source]

Documents with a relevance label >= relevance_level will be considered relevant. This corresponds to trec_eval’s –level_for_rel (and is passed to pytrec_eval as relevance_level).

property qrels(self)[source]
property topics(self)[source]
property folds(self)[source]