Source code for capreolus.reranker.TFCEDRKNRM

import math

import tensorflow as tf
from transformers import TFAutoModel

from capreolus import ConfigOption, Dependency, get_logger
from capreolus.reranker import Reranker
from capreolus.reranker.common import NewRbfKernelBankTF, new_similarity_matrix_tf

[docs]logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs]class TFCEDRKNRM_Class(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, extractor, config, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.extractor = extractor self.config = config if config["pretrained"] == "electra-base-msmarco": self.bert = TFAutoModel.from_pretrained( "Capreolus/electra-base-msmarco", hidden_dropout_prob=config["hidden_dropout_prob"], output_hidden_states=True ) elif config["pretrained"] == "electra-base": self.bert = TFAutoModel.from_pretrained( "google/electra-base-discriminator", hidden_dropout_prob=config["hidden_dropout_prob"], output_hidden_states=True ) elif config["pretrained"] == "bert-base-msmarco": self.bert = TFAutoModel.from_pretrained( "Capreolus/bert-base-msmarco", hidden_dropout_prob=config["hidden_dropout_prob"], output_hidden_states=True ) elif config["pretrained"] == "bert-base-uncased": self.bert = TFAutoModel.from_pretrained( "bert-base-uncased", hidden_dropout_prob=config["hidden_dropout_prob"], output_hidden_states=True ) self.hidden_size = self.bert.config.hidden_size mus = list(self.config["mus"]) + [1.0] sigmas = [self.config["sigma"] for _ in self.config["mus"]] + [0.01] logger.debug("mus: %s", mus) self.kernels = NewRbfKernelBankTF(mus, sigmas, dim=1, requires_grad=self.config["gradkernels"]) if -1 in self.config["simmat_layers"]: assert len(self.config["simmat_layers"]) == 1 assert self.config["cls"] is not None self._compute_simmat = False combine_size = 0 else: self._compute_simmat = True combine_size = self.kernels.count() * len(self.config["simmat_layers"]) assert self.config["cls"] in ("avg", "max", None) if self.config["cls"]: combine_size += self.hidden_size # use weight init from PyTorch 0.4 if config["combine_hidden"] == 0: stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(combine_size) weight_init = tf.keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=-stdv, maxval=stdv) combine_steps = [ tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, input_shape=(combine_size,), kernel_initializer=weight_init, dtype=tf.float32) ] else: stdv1 = 1.0 / math.sqrt(combine_size) weight_init1 = tf.keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=-stdv1, maxval=stdv1) stdv2 = 1.0 / math.sqrt(config["combine_hidden"]) weight_init2 = tf.keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=-stdv2, maxval=stdv2) combine_steps = [ tf.keras.layers.Dense( config["combine_hidden"], input_shape=(combine_size,), kernel_initializer=weight_init1, dtype=tf.float32 ), tf.keras.layers.Dense( 1, input_shape=(config["combine_hidden"],), kernel_initializer=weight_init2, dtype=tf.float32 ), ] self.combine = tf.keras.Sequential(combine_steps) self.num_passages = extractor.config["numpassages"] self.maxseqlen = extractor.config["maxseqlen"] # TODO we include SEP in maxqlen due to the way the simmat is constructed... (and another SEP in document) # (maxqlen is the actual query length and does not count CLS or SEP) self.maxqlen = extractor.config["maxqlen"] + 1 # decreased by 1 because we remove CLS before generating embeddings self.maxdoclen = self.maxseqlen - 1
[docs] def masked_simmats(self, embeddings, bert_mask, bert_segments): bert_mask = tf.cast(bert_mask, embeddings.dtype) # segment 0 contains '[CLS] query [SEP]' and segment 1 contains 'document [SEP]' query_mask = bert_mask * tf.cast(bert_segments == 0, bert_mask.dtype) query_mask = tf.expand_dims(query_mask, axis=-1) padded_query = (query_mask * embeddings)[:, : self.maxqlen] query_mask = query_mask[:, : self.maxqlen] doc_mask = bert_mask * tf.cast(bert_segments == 1, bert_mask.dtype) doc_mask = tf.expand_dims(doc_mask, axis=-1) # padded_doc length is maxsdoclen; zero padding on both left and right of doc padded_doc = doc_mask * embeddings # (maxqlen, maxdoclen) simmat = new_similarity_matrix_tf(padded_query, padded_doc, query_mask, doc_mask, 0) return simmat, doc_mask, query_mask
[docs] def knrm(self, bert_output, bert_mask, bert_segments, batch_size): # create similarity matrix for each passage (skipping CLS) passage_simmats, passage_doc_mask, passage_query_mask = self.masked_simmats( bert_output[:, 1:], bert_mask[:, 1:], bert_segments[:, 1:] ) passage_simmats = tf.reshape(passage_simmats, [batch_size, self.num_passages, self.maxqlen, self.maxdoclen]) passage_doc_mask = tf.reshape(passage_doc_mask, [batch_size, self.num_passages, 1, -1]) # concat similarity matrices along document dimension; query mask is the same across passages doc_simmat = tf.concat([passage_simmats[:, PIDX, :, :] for PIDX in range(self.num_passages)], axis=2) doc_mask = tf.concat([passage_doc_mask[:, PIDX, :, :] for PIDX in range(self.num_passages)], axis=2) query_mask = tf.reshape(passage_query_mask, [batch_size, self.num_passages, -1, 1])[:, 0, :, :] # KNRM on similarity matrix prepooled_doc = self.kernels(doc_simmat) prepooled_doc = ( prepooled_doc * tf.reshape(doc_mask, [batch_size, 1, 1, -1]) * tf.reshape(query_mask, [batch_size, 1, -1, 1]) ) # sum over document knrm_features = tf.reduce_sum(prepooled_doc, axis=3) knrm_features = tf.math.log(tf.maximum(knrm_features, 1e-6)) * 0.01 # sum over query knrm_features = tf.reduce_sum(knrm_features, axis=2) return knrm_features
[docs] def call(self, x, **kwargs): doc_input, doc_mask, doc_seg = x[0], x[1], x[2] batch_size = tf.shape(doc_input)[0] doc_input = tf.reshape(doc_input, [batch_size * self.num_passages, self.maxseqlen]) doc_mask = tf.reshape(doc_mask, [batch_size * self.num_passages, self.maxseqlen]) doc_seg = tf.reshape(doc_seg, [batch_size * self.num_passages, self.maxseqlen]) # get BERT embeddings (including CLS) for each passage # TODO switch to hgf's ModelOutput after bumping tranformers version outputs = self.bert(doc_input, attention_mask=doc_mask, token_type_ids=doc_seg) if self.config["pretrained"].startswith("bert-"): outputs = (outputs[0], outputs[2]) bert_output, all_layer_output = outputs # embeddings to create the CLS feature cls = bert_output[:, 0, :] if self.config["cls"] == "max": cls_features = tf.reshape(cls, [batch_size, self.num_passages, self.hidden_size]) cls_features = tf.reduce_max(cls_features, axis=1) elif self.config["cls"] == "avg": cls_features = tf.reshape(cls, [batch_size, self.num_passages, self.hidden_size]) cls_features = tf.reduce_mean(cls_features, axis=1) # create KNRM features for each output layer if self._compute_simmat: layer_knrm_features = [ self.knrm(all_layer_output[LIDX], doc_mask, doc_seg, batch_size) for LIDX in self.config["simmat_layers"] ] # concat CLS+KNRM features and pass to linear layer if self.config["cls"] and self._compute_simmat: all_features = tf.concat([cls_features] + layer_knrm_features, axis=1) elif self._compute_simmat: all_features = tf.concat(layer_knrm_features, axis=1) elif self.config["cls"]: all_features = cls_features else: raise ValueError("invalid config: %s" % self.config) score = self.combine(all_features) return score
[docs] def predict_step(self, data): posdoc_bert_input, posdoc_mask, posdoc_seg, negdoc_bert_input, negdoc_mask, negdoc_seg = data doc_scores =, posdoc_mask, posdoc_seg), training=False) return doc_scores
[docs] def score(self, x, **kwargs): posdoc_bert_input, posdoc_mask, posdoc_seg, negdoc_bert_input, negdoc_mask, negdoc_seg = x return, posdoc_mask, posdoc_seg), **kwargs)
[docs] def score_pair(self, x, **kwargs): posdoc_bert_input, posdoc_mask, posdoc_seg, negdoc_bert_input, negdoc_mask, negdoc_seg = x pos_score =, posdoc_mask, posdoc_seg), **kwargs) neg_score =, negdoc_mask, negdoc_seg), **kwargs) return pos_score, neg_score
[docs]@Reranker.register class TFCEDRKNRM(Reranker): """ TensorFlow implementation of CEDR-KNRM. Equivalant to BERT-KNRM when cls=None. CEDR: Contextualized Embeddings for Document Ranking Sean MacAvaney, Andrew Yates, Arman Cohan, and Nazli Goharian. SIGIR 2019. """
[docs] module_name = "TFCEDRKNRM"
[docs] dependencies = [ Dependency(key="extractor", module="extractor", name="pooledbertpassage"), Dependency(key="trainer", module="trainer", name="tensorflow"),
[docs] config_spec = [ ConfigOption( "pretrained", "electra-base", "Pretrained model: bert-base-uncased, bert-base-msmarco, electra-base, or electra-base-msmarco", ), ConfigOption("mus", [-0.9, -0.7, -0.5, -0.3, -0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9], "mus", value_type="floatlist"), ConfigOption("sigma", 0.1, "sigma"), ConfigOption("gradkernels", True, "tune mus and sigmas"), ConfigOption("hidden_dropout_prob", 0.1, "The dropout probability of BERT-like model's hidden layers."), ConfigOption("simmat_layers", "0..12,1", "Layer outputs to include in similarity matrix", value_type="intlist"), ConfigOption("combine_hidden", 1024, "Hidden size to use with combination FC layer (0 to disable)"), ConfigOption("cls", "avg", "Handling of CLS token: avg, max, or None"),
[docs] def build_model(self): if not hasattr(self, "model"): with self.trainer.strategy.scope(): self.model = TFCEDRKNRM_Class(self.extractor, self.config) return self.model