
Module Contents


AnseriniIndex(config=None, provide=None, share_dependency_objects=False, build=True) Base class for Index modules. The purpose of an Index module is to represent an inverted index that can be queried with a Searcher module and used to obtain documents and collection statistics.
class capreolus.index.anserini.AnseriniIndex(config=None, provide=None, share_dependency_objects=False, build=True)[source]

Bases: capreolus.index.Index

Base class for Index modules. The purpose of an Index module is to represent an inverted index that can be queried with a Searcher module and used to obtain documents and collection statistics.

Modules should provide:
  • a _create_index method that creates an index on the Collection dependency
  • a get_doc(docid) and a get_docs(docid) method
  • a get_df(term) method
module_name = anserini[source]
get_docs(self, doc_ids)[source]
get_doc(self, docid)[source]
get_df(self, term)[source]
get_idf(self, term)[source]

BM25’s IDF with a floor of 0
