Source code for capreolus.benchmark.codesearchnet

import gzip
import json
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile

from tqdm import tqdm

from capreolus import ConfigOption, Dependency, constants
from capreolus.utils.common import download_file, remove_newline
from capreolus.utils.loginit import get_logger
from capreolus.utils.trec import topic_to_trectxt

from . import Benchmark, validate

[docs]logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs]PACKAGE_PATH = constants["PACKAGE_PATH"]
[docs]class CodeSearchNetCorpus(Benchmark): """CodeSearchNet Corpus. [1] [1] Hamel Husain, Ho-Hsiang Wu, Tiferet Gazit, Miltiadis Allamanis, and Marc Brockschmidt. 2019. CodeSearchNet Challenge: Evaluating the State of Semantic Code Search. arXiv 2019. """
[docs] module_name = "codesearchnet_corpus"
[docs] dependencies = [Dependency(key="collection", module="collection", name="codesearchnet")]
[docs] url = ""
[docs] query_type = "title"
[docs] file_fn = PACKAGE_PATH / "data" / "csn_corpus"
[docs] qrel_dir = file_fn / "qrels"
[docs] topic_dir = file_fn / "topics"
[docs] fold_dir = file_fn / "folds"
[docs] qidmap_dir = file_fn / "qidmap"
[docs] docidmap_dir = file_fn / "docidmap"
[docs] config_spec = [ConfigOption("lang", "ruby", "CSN language dataset to use")]
[docs] def build(self): lang = self.config["lang"] self.qid_map_file = self.qidmap_dir / f"{lang}.json" self.docid_map_file = self.docidmap_dir / f"{lang}.json" self.qrel_file = self.qrel_dir / f"{lang}.txt" self.topic_file = self.topic_dir / f"{lang}.txt" self.fold_file = self.fold_dir / f"{lang}.json" for file in [var for var in vars(self) if var.endswith("file")]: getattr(self, file).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self.download_if_missing()
[docs] def qid_map(self): if not hasattr(self, "_qid_map"): if not self.qid_map_file.exists(): self.download_if_missing() self._qid_map = json.load(open(self.qid_map_file, "r")) return self._qid_map
[docs] def docid_map(self): if not hasattr(self, "_docid_map"): if not self.docid_map_file.exists(): self.download_if_missing() self._docid_map = json.load(open(self.docid_map_file, "r")) return self._docid_map
[docs] def download_if_missing(self): files = [self.qid_map_file, self.docid_map_file, self.qrel_file, self.topic_file, self.fold_file] if all([f.exists() for f in files]): return lang = self.config["lang"] tmp_dir = Path("/tmp") zip_fn = tmp_dir / f"{lang}.zip" if not zip_fn.exists(): download_file(f"{self.url}/{lang}.zip", zip_fn) with ZipFile(zip_fn, "r") as zipobj: zipobj.extractall(tmp_dir) # prepare docid-url mapping from dedup.pkl pkl_fn = tmp_dir / f"{lang}_dedupe_definitions_v2.pkl" doc_objs = pickle.load(open(pkl_fn, "rb")) self._docid_map = self._prep_docid_map(doc_objs) assert self._get_n_docid() == len(doc_objs) # prepare folds, qrels, topics, docstring2qid # TODO: shall we add negative samples? qrels, self._qid_map = defaultdict(dict), {} qids = {s: [] for s in ["train", "valid", "test"]} topic_file = open(self.topic_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") qrel_file = open(self.qrel_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") def gen_doc_from_gzdir(dir): """generate parsed dict-format doc from all jsonl.gz files under given directory""" for fn in sorted(dir.glob("*.jsonl.gz")): f =, "rb") for doc in f: yield json.loads(doc) for set_name in qids: set_path = tmp_dir / lang / "final" / "jsonl" / set_name for doc in gen_doc_from_gzdir(set_path): code = remove_newline(" ".join(doc["code_tokens"])) docstring = remove_newline(" ".join(doc["docstring_tokens"])) n_words_in_docstring = len(docstring.split()) if n_words_in_docstring >= 1024: logger.warning( f"chunk query to first 1000 words otherwise TooManyClause would be triggered " f"at lucene at search stage, " ) docstring = " ".join(docstring.split()[:1020]) # for TooManyClause docid = self.get_docid(doc["url"], code) qid = self._qid_map.get(docstring, str(len(self._qid_map))) qrel_file.write(f"{qid} Q0 {docid} 1\n") if docstring not in self._qid_map: self._qid_map[docstring] = qid qids[set_name].append(qid) topic_file.write(topic_to_trectxt(qid, docstring)) topic_file.close() qrel_file.close() # write to qid_map.json, docid_map, fold.json json.dump(self._qid_map, open(self.qid_map_file, "w")) json.dump(self._docid_map, open(self.docid_map_file, "w")) json.dump( {"s1": {"train_qids": qids["train"], "predict": {"dev": qids["valid"], "test": qids["test"]}}}, open(self.fold_file, "w"),
) def _prep_docid_map(self, doc_objs): """ construct a nested dict to map each doc into a unique docid which follows the structure: {url: {" ".join(code_tokens): docid, ...}} For all the lanugage datasets the url uniquely maps to a code_tokens yet it's not the case for but js and php which requires a second-level mapping from raw_doc to docid :param doc_objs: a list of dict having keys ["nwo", "url", "sha", "identifier", "arguments" "function", "function_tokens", "docstring", "doctring_tokens",], :return: """ # TODO: any way to avoid the twice traversal of all url and make the return dict structure consistent lang = self.config["lang"] url2docid = defaultdict(dict) for i, doc in tqdm(enumerate(doc_objs), desc=f"Preparing the {lang} docid_map"): url, code_tokens = doc["url"], remove_newline(" ".join(doc["function_tokens"])) url2docid[url][code_tokens] = f"{lang}-FUNCTION-{i}" # remove the code_tokens for the unique url-docid mapping for url, docids in tqdm(url2docid.items(), desc=f"Compressing the {lang} docid_map"): url2docid[url] = list(docids.values()) if len(docids) == 1 else docids # {code_tokens: docid} -> [docid] return url2docid def _get_n_docid(self): """calculate the number of document ids contained in the nested docid map""" lens = [len(docs) for url, docs in self._docid_map.items()] return sum(lens)
[docs] def get_docid(self, url, code_tokens): """retrieve the doc id according to the doc dict""" docids = self.docid_map[url] return docids[0] if len(docids) == 1 else docids[code_tokens]
[docs]class CodeSearchNetChallenge(Benchmark): """CodeSearchNet Challenge. [1] This benchmark can only be used for training (and challenge submissions) because no qrels are provided. [1] Hamel Husain, Ho-Hsiang Wu, Tiferet Gazit, Miltiadis Allamanis, and Marc Brockschmidt. 2019. CodeSearchNet Challenge: Evaluating the State of Semantic Code Search. arXiv 2019. """
[docs] module_name = "codesearchnet_challenge"
[docs] dependencies = [Dependency(key="collection", module="collection", name="codesearchnet")]
[docs] config_spec = [ConfigOption("lang", "ruby", "CSN language dataset to use")]
[docs] url = ""
[docs] query_type = "title"
[docs] file_fn = PACKAGE_PATH / "data" / "csn_challenge"
[docs] topic_file = file_fn / "topics.txt"
[docs] qid_map_file = file_fn / "qidmap.json"
[docs] def download_if_missing(self): """download query.csv and prepare queryid - query mapping file""" if self.topic_file.exists() and self.qid_map_file.exists(): return tmp_dir = Path("/tmp") tmp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self.file_fn.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) query_fn = tmp_dir / f"query.csv" if not query_fn.exists(): download_file(self.url, query_fn) # prepare qid - query qid_map = {} topic_file = open(self.topic_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") query_file = open(query_fn) for qid, line in enumerate(query_file): if qid != 0: # ignore the first line "query" topic_file.write(topic_to_trectxt(qid, line.strip())) qid_map[qid] = line topic_file.close() json.dump(qid_map, open(self.qid_map_file, "w"))