:mod:`capreolus.reranker.DUET` ============================== .. py:module:: capreolus.reranker.DUET Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: capreolus.reranker.DUET.LocalModel capreolus.reranker.DUET.DistributedModel capreolus.reranker.DUET.DUET_class capreolus.reranker.DUET.DUET .. data:: logger .. py:class:: LocalModel(p) Bases: :class:`torch.nn.Module` .. method:: exact_match(self, m1, m2) m1: (B, len1) m2: (B, len2) .. method:: forward(self, documents, queries, query_idf) queries: (B, nq) documents: (B, nd) query_idf: (B, nq) .. py:class:: DistributedModel(extractor, p) Bases: :class:`torch.nn.Module` .. method:: forward(self, documents, queries) .. py:class:: DUET_class(extractor, p) Bases: :class:`torch.nn.Module` .. method:: forward(self, documents, queries, query_idf) queries: (B, nq) documents: (B, nd) .. py:class:: DUET Bases: :class:`capreolus.reranker.Reranker` .. attribute:: module_name :annotation: = DUET .. attribute:: description :annotation: = Bhaskar Mitra, Fernando Diaz, and Nick Craswell. 2017. Learning to Match using Local and Distributed Representations of Text for Web Search. In WWW'17. .. attribute:: config_spec .. method:: build_model(self) .. method:: score(self, d) .. method:: test(self, d)