Source code for capreolus.utils.trec

import gzip
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def load_ntcir_topics(fn): topics = {} tree = ET.parse(fn) for child in tree.getroot(): qid = child.find("qid").text.strip() query = child.find("content").text.strip() assert qid not in topics assert len(qid) > 0 and len(query) > 0 topics[qid] = query return {"content": topics}
[docs]def load_trec_topics(queryfn): title, desc, narr = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list) block = None if str(queryfn).endswith(".gz"): openf = else: openf = open with openf(queryfn, "rt") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("<num>"): # <num> Number: 700 qid = line.split()[-1] # no longer an int # assert qid > 0 block = None elif line.startswith("<title>"): # <title> query here title[qid].extend(line.strip().split()[1:]) block = "title" # TODO does this sometimes start with Topic: ? assert "Topic:" not in line elif line.startswith("<desc>"): # <desc> description \n description desc[qid].extend(line.strip().split()[1:]) block = "desc" elif line.startswith("<narr>"): # same format as <desc> narr[qid].extend(line.strip().split()[1:]) block = "narr" elif line.startswith("</top>") or line.startswith("<top>"): block = None elif block == "title": title[qid].extend(line.strip().split()) elif block == "desc": desc[qid].extend(line.strip().split()) elif block == "narr": narr[qid].extend(line.strip().split()) out = {} if len(title) > 0: out["title"] = {qid: " ".join(terms) for qid, terms in title.items()} if len(desc) > 0: out["desc"] = {qid: " ".join(terms) for qid, terms in desc.items()} if len(narr) > 0: out["narr"] = {qid: " ".join(terms) for qid, terms in narr.items()} return out
[docs]def load_qrels(qrelfile, qids=None, include_spam=True): labels = defaultdict(dict) with open(qrelfile, "rt") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue cols = line.split() qid, docid, label = cols[0], cols[2], int(cols[3]) if qids is not None and qid not in qids: continue if label < 0 and not include_spam: continue labels[qid][docid] = label # remove qids with no relevant docs for qid in list(labels.keys()): if max(labels[qid].values()) <= 0: del labels[qid] labels.default_factory = None # behave like normal dict return labels
[docs]def document_to_trectxt(docno, txt): s = f"<DOC>\n<DOCNO> {docno} </DOCNO>\n" s += f"<TEXT>\n{txt}\n</TEXT>\n</DOC>\n" return s
[docs]def topic_to_trectxt(qno, title, desc=None, narr=None): return ( f"<top>\n\n"
f"<num> Number: {qno}\n" f"<title> {title}\n\n" f"<desc> Description:\n{desc or title}\n\n" f"<narr> Narrative:\n{narr or title}\n\n" f"</top>\n\n\n" )
[docs]def anserini_index_to_trec_docs(index_dir, output_dir, expected_doc_count): from jnius import autoclass JFile = autoclass("") JFSDirectory = autoclass("") JIndexReaderUtils = autoclass("io.anserini.index.IndexReaderUtils") JIndexUtils = autoclass("io.anserini.index.IndexUtils") index_utils = JIndexUtils(index_dir) index_reader_utils = JIndexReaderUtils() fsdir = reader = autoclass("org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader").open(fsdir) docids = set() for i in range(expected_doc_count): try: docid = index_reader_utils.convertLuceneDocidToDocid(reader, i) docids.add(docid) except: # we reached the end? pass if len(docids) != expected_doc_count: raise ValueError( f"we expected to retrieve {expected_doc_count} documents from the index, but actually found {len(docids)}" ) output_handles = [, f"{i}.gz"), "wt", encoding="utf-8") for i in range(100, 200)] for docidx, docid in enumerate(sorted(docids)): txt = document_to_trectxt(docid, index_utils.getRawDocument(docid)) handleidx = docidx % len(output_handles) print(txt, file=output_handles[handleidx]) for handle in output_handles: handle.close()