Source code for

import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path

from docopt import docopt
from profane import DBManager, config_list_to_dict, constants

from capreolus.task import Task
from capreolus.utils.loginit import get_logger

[docs]logger = get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def parse_task_string(s): fields = s.split(".") task = fields[0] task_cls = Task.lookup(task) if len(fields) == 2: cmd = fields[1] else: cmd = task_cls.default_command if not hasattr(task_cls, cmd): print("error: invalid command:", s) print(f"valid commands for task={task}: {sorted(task_cls.commands)}") sys.exit(2) return task, cmd
[docs]def prepare_task(fullcommand, config): taskstr, commandstr = parse_task_string(fullcommand) task = Task.create(taskstr, config) task_entry_function = getattr(task, commandstr) return task, task_entry_function
[docs]help = """ Usage: COMMAND [(with CONFIG...)] [options] help [COMMAND] (-h | --help) Options: -h --help Print this help message and exit. -l VALUE --loglevel=VALUE Set the log level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL. -p VALUE --priority=VALUE Sets the priority for a queued up experiment. No effect without -q flag. -q --queue Only queue this run, do not start it. Arguments: COMMAND Name of command to run (see below for list of commands) CONFIG Configuration assignments of the form Commands: (TODO expand/generate) ...description here... rank.describe ...description here... """
if __name__ == "__main__": # hack to make docopt print full help message if no arguments are give if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append("-h")
[docs] arguments = docopt(help, version="TODO")
if arguments["--loglevel"]: loglevel = arguments["--loglevel"].upper() valid_loglevels = ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL") if loglevel not in valid_loglevels: print("error: log level must be one of:", ", ".join(valid_loglevels)) sys.exit(1) logging.getLogger("capreolus").setLevel(loglevel) # prepare task even if we're queueing, so that we validate the config config = config_list_to_dict(arguments["CONFIG"]) task, task_entry_function = prepare_task(arguments["COMMAND"], config) if arguments["--queue"]: if not arguments["--priority"]: arguments["--priority"] = 0 db = DBManager(os.environ.get("CAPREOLUS_DB")) db.queue_run(command=arguments["COMMAND"], config=config, priority=arguments["--priority"]) else: logger.debug("starting command: %s", arguments["COMMAND"]) logger.debug("config: %s", task.config) logger.debug("current constants: %s", constants) task_entry_function()