Source code for capreolus.searcher.special

import os
import gdown
from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict

from capreolus import ConfigOption, Dependency
from capreolus.utils.loginit import get_logger

from . import Searcher
from .anserini import BM25

[docs]logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs]SUPPORTED_TRIPLE_FILE = ["small", "large.v1", "large.v2"]
[docs]class MsmarcoPsgSearcherMixin: @staticmethod
[docs] def convert_to_trec_runs(msmarco_top1k_fn, style="eval"):"Converting file {msmarco_top1k_fn} (with style {style}) into trec format") runs = defaultdict(dict) with open(msmarco_top1k_fn, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: if style == "triple": qid, pos_pid, neg_pid = line.strip().split("\t") runs[qid][pos_pid] = len(runs.get(qid, {})) runs[qid][neg_pid] = len(runs.get(qid, {})) elif style == "eval": qid, pid, _, _ = line.strip().split("\t") runs[qid][pid] = len(runs.get(qid, [])) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected style {style}, should be either 'triple' or 'eval'") return runs
[docs] def get_fn_from_url(url): return url.split("/")[-1].replace(".gz", "").replace(".tar", "")
[docs] def get_url(self): tripleversion = self.config["tripleversion"] if tripleversion == "large.v1": return "" if tripleversion == "large.v2": return "" if tripleversion == "small": return "" raise ValueError("Unknown version for triplet large" % self.config["tripleversion"])
[docs] def download_and_prepare_train_set(self, tmp_dir): tmp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) triple_version = self.config["tripleversion"] url = self.get_url() if triple_version.startswith("large"): extract_file_name = self.get_fn_from_url(url) extract_dir = self.benchmark.collection.download_and_extract(url, tmp_dir, expected_fns=extract_file_name) triple_fn = extract_dir / extract_file_name elif triple_version == "small": triple_fn = tmp_dir / "triples.train.small.idversion.tsv" if not os.path.exists(triple_fn):, triple_fn.as_posix(), quiet=False) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown version for triplet: {triple_version}") return self.convert_to_trec_runs(triple_fn, style="triple")
[docs]class MsmarcoPsg(Searcher, MsmarcoPsgSearcherMixin): """ Skip the searching on training set by converting the official training triplet into a "fake" runfile. Use the offical runfile for the development and the test set. """
[docs] module_name = "msmarcopsg"
[docs] dependencies = [Dependency(key="benchmark", module="benchmark", name="msmarcopsg")]
[docs] config_spec = [ ConfigOption("tripleversion", "small", "version of triplet.qid file, small, large.v1 or large.v2"),
] def _query_from_file(self, topicsfn, output_path, cfg): """only query results in dev and test set are saved""" final_runfn = Path(output_path) / "searcher" final_donefn = Path(output_path) / "done" if os.path.exists(final_donefn): return output_path tmp_dir = self.get_cache_path() / "tmp" tmp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # train train_run = self.download_and_prepare_train_set(tmp_dir=tmp_dir) self.write_trec_run(preds=train_run, outfn=final_runfn, mode="wt") # dev and test dev_test_urls = [ "", "", ] runs = {} for url in dev_test_urls: extract_file_name = self.get_fn_from_url(url) extract_dir = self.benchmark.collection.download_and_extract(url, tmp_dir, expected_fns=extract_file_name) runs.update(self.convert_to_trec_runs(extract_dir / extract_file_name, style="eval")) self.write_trec_run(preds=runs, outfn=final_runfn, mode="a") with open(final_donefn, "wt") as f: print("done", file=f) return output_path
[docs]class MsmarcoPsgBm25(BM25, MsmarcoPsgSearcherMixin): """ Skip the searching on training set by converting the official training triplet into a "fake" runfile. Conduct configurable BM25 search on the development and the test set. """
[docs] module_name = "msmarcopsgbm25"
[docs] dependencies = [ Dependency(key="benchmark", module="benchmark", name="msmarcopsg"), Dependency(key="index", module="index", name="anserini"),
[docs] config_spec = BM25.config_spec + [ ConfigOption("tripleversion", "small", "version of triplet.qid file, small, large.v1 or large.v2"),
] def _query_from_file(self, topicsfn, output_path, config): final_runfn = os.path.join(output_path, "searcher") final_donefn = os.path.join(output_path, "done") if os.path.exists(final_donefn): return output_path output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) tmp_dir = self.get_cache_path() / "tmp" tmp_topicsfn = tmp_dir / os.path.basename(topicsfn) tmp_output_dir = tmp_dir / "BM25_results" tmp_output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) train_runs = self.download_and_prepare_train_set(tmp_dir=tmp_dir) if not os.path.exists(tmp_topicsfn): with open(tmp_topicsfn, "wt") as fout: with open(topicsfn) as f: for line in f: qid, title = line.strip().split("\t") if qid not in self.benchmark.folds["s1"]["train_qids"]: fout.write(line) super()._query_from_file(topicsfn=tmp_topicsfn, output_path=tmp_output_dir, config=config) dev_test_runfile = tmp_output_dir / "searcher" assert os.path.exists(dev_test_runfile) # write train and dev, test runs into final searcher file Searcher.write_trec_run(train_runs, final_runfn) with open(dev_test_runfile) as fin, open(final_runfn, "a") as fout: for line in fin: fout.write(line) with open(final_donefn, "w") as f: f.write("done") return output_path
# todo: make this another type of "Module" (e.g. DPR Module) @Searcher.register
[docs]class StaticTctColBertDev(Searcher, MsmarcoPsgSearcherMixin): """ Skip the searching on training set by converting the official training triplet into a "fake" runfile. Use the runfile pre-prepared using TCT-ColBERT ( """
[docs] module_name = "static_tct_colbert"
[docs] dependencies = [Dependency(key="benchmark", module="benchmark", name="msmarcopsg")]
[docs] config_spec = [ ConfigOption("tripleversion", "small", "version of triplet.qid file, small, large.v1 or large.v2"),
] def _query_from_file(self, topicsfn, output_path, cfg): outfn = Path(output_path) / "" done_fn = Path(output_path) / "done" if done_fn.exists(): return outfn tmp_dir = self.get_cache_path() / "tmp" output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # train train_runs = self.download_and_prepare_train_set(tmp_dir=tmp_dir) self.write_trec_run(preds=train_runs, outfn=outfn, mode="wt")"prepared runs from train set") # dev tmp_dev = tmp_dir / "tct_colbert_v1_wo_neg.tsv" if not tmp_dev.exists(): tmp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) url = "", tmp_dev.as_posix(), quiet=False) assert tmp_dev.exists() with open(tmp_dev, "rt") as f, open(outfn, "at") as fout: for line in f: qid, docid, rank, score = line.strip().split("\t") fout.write(f"{qid} Q0 {docid} {rank} {score} tct_colbert\n") with open(done_fn, "wt") as f: print("done", file=f) return outfn
[docs]class MsmarcoPsgTop200(Searcher, MsmarcoPsgSearcherMixin): """ Skip the searching on training set by converting the official training triplet into a "fake" runfile. Use the runfile pre-prepared using TCT-ColBERT ( """
[docs] module_name = "msptop200"
[docs] dependencies = [Dependency(key="benchmark", module="benchmark", name="msmarcopsg")]
[docs] config_spec = [ ConfigOption( "firststage", "tct", "Options: tct, bm25, tct>bm25, bm25>tct. where config before > stands for training set source, and that after > stands for dev and test source.",
) ]
[docs] def get_train_url(self): train_first_stage = self.config["firststage"].split(">")[0] url_template = "" assert train_first_stage in {"bm25", "tct"} file_id = "10VjzcDUtZwJWoWUlVnjtyI4j5K6c-882" if train_first_stage == "tct" else "1ZgrxqdbV3-YbF9PnOVtSIx04RqG-YOMW" return url_template + file_id
[docs] def get_dev_url(self): dev_first_stage = self.config["firststage"] if ">" in dev_first_stage: dev_first_stage = dev_first_stage.split(">")[1] url_template = "" assert dev_first_stage in {"bm25", "tct"} file_id = "1WBUashNhtJKNsKYBzeR4IxcMzbjqiqg6" if dev_first_stage == "tct" else "1PWuDcr8c4EIB-mxdFY7-KkTezJ7aN0Fq" return url_template + file_id
[docs] def get_test_url(self): dev_first_stage = self.config["firststage"] if ">" in dev_first_stage: dev_first_stage = dev_first_stage.split(">")[1] url_template = "" assert dev_first_stage in {"tct"}, "Only support inference on tct test set for now" file_id = "1U4DBP_3HBXC8EJNbI_wFUVoZnt7FiPbe" return url_template + file_id
def _query_from_file(self, topicsfn, output_path, cfg): outfn = Path(output_path) / "" done_fn = Path(output_path) / "done" if done_fn.exists(): assert outfn.exists() return outfn tmp_dir = self.get_cache_path() / "tmp" os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) tag = self.config["firststage"] fout = open(outfn, "wt") url_lists = [self.get_train_url(), self.get_dev_url()] if tag == "tct": url_lists.append(self.get_test_url()) for set_name, url in zip(["train", "dev", "test"], url_lists): if set_name == "test": assert tag == "tct" # basename = self.get_fn_from_url(url) basename = f"{tag}-{set_name}" tmp_fn = tmp_dir / basename # download the file if not os.path.exists(tmp_fn):, tmp_fn.as_posix(), quiet=False) # convert into trec and combine with open(tmp_fn, "rt") as f: for line in f: try: qid, docid, rank = line.strip().split() except: raise ValueError("This line cannot be parsed:" + line) score = 1000 - int(rank) fout.write(f"{qid} Q0 {docid} {rank} {score} {tag}\n") with open(done_fn, "wt") as f: print("done", file=f) return outfn